I cannot figure this out…….

Although we thought that Captain America would be trick or treating tonight, it turned out to be Batman…..a very excitable Batman indeed.  His little minions could not go with him this year, so his buddy Kaleb made his first ever trick or treating rounds with him.  It was a real blast, and it ended with pizza at the house.

Of course, Ben is a bit of a celebrity, so after Kaleb (and his parents who brought him because he is just about 1, and has yet to drive) left, Ben then put on his Captain America costume to make a personal appearance at Mrs. Bradfield’s home to no doubt be doted on some more.  Scotty and I both agree, his little brother is really suffering his way through life.

So now the house is full of candy, but thankfully we are certified “mouse-free,” so the candy is ours.  But please do not worry about me.  First of all, I am not a big candy-eater anyway, but I am also leaving for Ohio tomorrow until Friday.  But I am sure it will all be gone by tomorrow night.  All of them are candy-hounds, and I will be thankful to see it gone.

So I am home alone now typing this and packing for my trip.  As to which Ben Amanda will bring home, I do not know.  I will just be glad when they get here.  I have pretty cool kids and there are parts of each of them I enjoy.  Steph is gone, but she will be home at Thanksgiving.  Tonight was possibly Scotty’s last trick or treat adventure at home too.

But it is all a part of life……..one day you are Batman, and suddenly it is your kids.  Soon I will be seeing my grandkids in the same costumes.  But I take it all in stride.  Life is a blast, and I am thankful for the opportunity to live it in the midst of all these superheroes.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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