
I am back in my hotel tonight after a pretty long day.  But it has been a great day, and tomorrow will be just as long, and hopefully just as great.

But as I was sitting down to write tonight, I saw this picture on my desktop.  It of course is of Ben, and yes, that is a McDonald’s Happy Meal box on his head.  It represents a few different things to me, but mainly the reason that I have decided to head home tomorrow rather than Friday morning.  I took that picture a few days after he was so sick, and it was the first real significant thing he ate days after his CT scan.  It reminded me that there are some things in life more important than others, and although I will be tired, probably even before I get into the car, getting home will be worth it.  And don’t misunderstand, I am not just heading home for him, but because everyone in my family will wear a cool hat like that willingly.  Yes, I live in the midst of that kind of mental illness, but it is genetic and I am probably responsible.

The other thing though is that this is my last scheduled trip of the year, and to be honest, it will feel good to get home.  I have some things to do there, and I intend to do them.   Don’t get me wrong, I really do love what I do, and the travel does not bother me in the least.  I am not bothered by me leaving, I am just bothered by Amanda traveling.  Ben and Scott get pampered when I am gone, but when she is gone they whine…..and no amount of Happy Meal hats seem to satisfy them.

So home tomorrow I will go.  I am looking forward to it to, as I am to my work day too.  Friday will be a dragging day, but there is coffee for that.  But there is no substitute for home……even if it is not on the range.

Goodnight from the Buckeye State and God Bless!


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