Getting things done……

There were a lot of neat things that happened today, but the best was the end of acute depression for our dog Viper.  On Monday, my truck went in for a recall which took three days.  Toyota provided me a rental car, and it was nice (BRAND NEW), but it also was a car that prohibited pets.  But every morning Viper and one of his toys, usually his squirrel meet Ben and I downstairs by the door.  He loves to ride, and he is a celebrity everywhere he goes, but especially at the school.  So being cut off was very difficult for him to understand and he clearly hated it.  But I was able to return the car and pick up my truck today at about 2, and even though it was out of the way, ran by the house to pick him up.  He was so happy he could hardly stand it.  And it really did make my day.

I also learned that my youngest son is a great big pig!!  When I dropped off my truck I had taken all the stuff out of it in the dark.  But today when I picked it up it was light.  I almost felt like I would get in trouble for putting his booster seat back over the tons of crap that moving it must of uncovered.  He never eats anything in the truck that can spoil, but some of these artifacts were unidentifiable.  And for a kid who is really not all that big, his swath of destruction is mighty wide.  I didn’t know whether to be appalled or amazed.

And then finally, although there is certainly more, Ben and I cooked dinner again tonight and he made himself what started as a cheese pizza.  He made it out of pasta sauce, crescent roll, and mozzarella cheese.  But when I mentioned if we fold it over we could make a calzone, he acted like he had morphed into some Italian culinary aficionado.  We folded over the crescent rolls, but it was as if we discovered the Holy Grail.  He thought he was pretty cool.

And it was pretty good, and he enjoyed making it.  My wife and I are both good cooks, but we have different styles, each of which he thrives in.  Amanda is a scientist by training.  She follows recipes, everything is measured out and timed.  Ben likes to measure stuff and follow those directions, especially as Amanda makes the goodies whereas I am more a dinner guy.

I however grew up in a place where recipes were in the head of the cook, and they were passed by example, and finished by taste.  It’s never exactly the same, and sometimes a little chaotic, but you cook to produce what you want, and what you want THEN.  It is I suppose a variation of “seasoned to taste,” perhaps “cooked to taste,” but it really is all I want to do.  And I am glad he likes both styles.

But his calzone has been devoured and Ben is now in bed.  My truck is still a biohazard, but the dog will not mind.  I will just pray it is not -50 tomorrow as we begin the day.  But regardless, I got my truck back and what guy wouldn’t be pleased with that?

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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