Working hard………

Sometimes the world is just full of detours, and quite honestly today was that indeed.  I needed to go and file a paper with the county about my mom’s death, only to find the courthouse closed for election day.  That in itself would not bother me if I just had time to head back over there this week, but I do not.  And then of course Amanda getting a migraine, as well as her car not starting at work, only added stuff to a day that I needed no more.

So it really didn’t matter that her car didn’t start because she could not drive it anyway.  So I picked her up, and got ahold of Scotty who was able to go get Ben.  Of course we still needed to go get and hopefully repair the car, as I will be leaving tomorrow morning between 5 and 6 for a pastoral call in Bloomington.  So after I got Amanda medicated and in bed, Scotty and Ben came home and we left together for Greenfield.
Mechanics never work well on an empty stomach, so I asked them what they wanted to eat.  Ben was INSISTANT about going to Applebees, but only because he thought they had apples…….so there we went.  It was a great way to kill some time and allow her to rest.  And we still had plenty of time to work on the car (in the dark).
In the end, we jumped it and drove back towards home, stopping at the auto parts store near our house to by an new battery.  We then went home and the three of us (and the dog) replaced it in the driveway.  Scotty (and I suppose Ben) had never replaced one before so I let him do most of it with me as his coach. He then got the old battery back to the auto parts store for a credit before heading off the band practice at 8.  I couldn’t have accomplished all that without him.
And that of course was something I knew at Applebees and why I allowed them to order the chocolate thingy that they shared that you see in the picture.  It was not our first adventure, nor will it be our last.  But I am thankful for all of them.  We accomplished a lot tonight.  Just the Tirman boys out there working hard.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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