Rink rat…….

Although my TomTom sent me all over the place, and even into some questionable areas, I finally made it to the ice rink with just about 50 minutes to go.  Their Pro Shop was closed, so I was not able to get my skates sharpened, but I felt they were good enough to give it a go.  Since I skate better than I walk I figured I ought to be safe.

So onto the ice I went with about 40 minutes to skate, and it was truly paradise!  I never stopped and skated till the very end.  I was a little stiff and rusty, but considering I was the old guy out there it didn’t really matter.

As I skated by the glass I caught my reflection.  And in my mind I went back to a practice in 1979 when I was a Senior in high school.  It was rare, but we were practicing that night by playing some team from the old man’s league (anyone out of high school or older) and at the start of the game I was getting ready to face off when this guy came up do it with me……I still think he looked like a very old Drew Carey.  He even had tape on the bridge of his glasses.  And what I remember “second most” was how I laughed inside and thought “Buddy, I am going to make you miserable all night.”  But what I remember most was how after that puck dropped he took it and I could never get it back.  I followed him hopelessly all night, and had the most significant injury of my entire sports career……my pride.

Yep, he schooled me, and in that reflection tonight I saw a bit of him there.  I learned a lot that night, not just about hockey, but about myself and life.  It was a good memory to have as I glided about the rink.  And I have decided that it’s now, with me at 50, that I would love to have a rematch of that night.

After all, that guy has got to be about 80 now……….I might just have a chance.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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