Happy Birthday Stephanie and Rhonda……

Oh December 5, 2011…….the day my daughter Stephanie leaves her life as a teenager (she is 20 today!) and also the day my sister-in-law Rhonda hits the big 25 (again).  They are both holding children (Steph holding her brother and Rhonda holding her daughter in a family picture from a few years ago)

And I do miss them both.  Steph will be home later in the week (as will I), and we will celebrate her birthday then.  But Rhonda moved first to Arizona and then to Utah, and I have not seen her in quite some time……and don’t know when I will.

But tonight I thank God for them both.  I could not have asked for a better daughter, and Rhonda is the very best!  Happy Birthday to them both!  I just wish we were all here celebrating together!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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