No horsing around anymore, she finally makes it official………

We were not sure she would ever commit to us, but today after moving some 13 months ago into our house, Amanda finally went to the BMV and had her addressed changed to here.  We all breathed a big sigh of relief too.  She does the grocery shopping and without her we would starve to death.

But on behalf of the rest of us, I need to share our thankfulness.  I know it must have been a big commitment, I mean at least 20 minutes, and more than that, it saves the people living in our old house the confusion after she gets arrested on one of her “business” trips to Belgium.  (She says they are business, but she sure seems to enjoy their chocolate.)

The great part is that we have all of that done now.  All the cars and all the people, as well as the house…..match.  She can now vote too, instead of complain that she can’t.  The last election (last month), fortunately, was cancelled here because we live in a small town and their was nothing on the ballot.  They must have been waiting for her.

Tomorrow night, she, Steph, and Ben will head to Kansas to visit her mom.  Her license has yet to arrive, but at least the police will know where she lives.  So when they call from the pokey I can be honest…….”Sure, I know her.  She has been living here officially since yesterday.”

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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