Good news!!!

I have to confess……I am very happy.  Our new website is UP  St. Michael the Archangel Anglican Church/The Order of St. Michael the Archangel and it is AWESOME!  I want to thank my good friend Father Greg Lynn and the good people at Ankordesign for creating such an amazing work.  It is not quite done, but we wanted it up before Christmas!  And if you need web work done I recommend contacting Father Greg.

The new site reflects a lot of hard word, not only on the part of Father Greg, but of us.  We have been in transition and have worked hard to transition our ministry in preparation of this launch.  It is the first public information about our Order as well.  And I encourage you to take a look at all of it.  We are proud of what we have put up.

On a personal note, Amanda, Steph, and Ben are home.  Tonight is an adventure!  I am glad to be where I am tonight.  The future is bright, and thanks for letting me share!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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