No escape……..

My house tonight was full of young women…..they all used to be teenage girls, but now most of them are 20.  They love me in a out-of-touch old guy sort of way, after all I am Stephanie’s dad.  But they really have no interest in hanging with me, nor would we be interested in the same movies, music or other things.  They also laugh almost constantly, whereas at my age and perpetual diet, I am more apt to be crying all the time.  So I figured I might actually “do” something tonight.  And unfortunately for me that made me available for something I am very poor at…….Christmas shopping. (This a a real picture from tonight too!)

Yep, Amanda had me go with her to the stores.  And first and foremost I have a very hard time in the crowds.  I never used to, but post stroke things like crowds make me very edgy, and the whole thing can be quite difficult for me.  And even more than that, Amanda always asks for my opinion, and more often than not I know that the opinion is really irrelevant…..she has already made up her mind.  That puts me on edge too.  A wrong answer is no good… is like a game in which very little yardage is gained.

Of course it is not my first rodeo either.  I almost always defer and say, whatever you want.  And it’s a good thing I say that too, because it always leads to what she wants me to buy her.  That’s right, she actually places an order with me every year, which puts tremendous pressure on me.  And why?  Because that is one area that I refuse to defer to her.  I have never once followed those instructions, which means ever year I have to come up with a pretty great idea to divert the attention from my defiance.

So far it has always worked, but every year I wonder if my streak is coming to an end.  One day it may, but I still have a few days.

I intend to find and buy her a meaningful gift.  And if I fail, I will just have to deal with it.  After all, I am sure she did not marry me for my “love” of shopping.  I am clearly just another kept trophy husband, and I will just need to bank on that!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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