An angel in disguise…….

If I could figure out how to put him into a white hat in his picture I would, although it would probably burn his head.  But Father PT SAVED me (and Viper) once again.

I had an ice dam last year on the house and decided to install some heat cables.  What I soon discovered was that my ladders were NOWHERE NEAR tall enough to do the job.  So I found a guy in town with a very tall ladder her was willing to part with and made my way over in my truck (with my dog) to pick it up.

Of course the truck started in my drive and after I filled it with gas, but as I had the ladder on the truck and my dog ready to go and do some work, it didn’t start.  The guy who sol me the ladder tried to jump it, and had a battery charger, but it was to no avail.  But Father PT came and helped me take OUT the battery, go get a new one, put it in, and see me and my dog start up my truck and head home. Yee ha!

Of course he is driving the truck his wife let him by, while I am driving an old classic that I have now decided to sell.  PT suggested I take it and my car to the dealer…….I suggested that this would clearly be intentional suicide.

But the good news is that a battery later, I have a ladder and the ability at least, to install what I need to on my house.  What I didn’t have today was time.

But I am grateful for my good friend PT (as is Viper) who made today much more bearable than I could have imagined!

Thanks my brother!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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