Boy’s Night Out…….

Oh yes…this is a “stock” photo, since Scott is complaining about his phone tonight and cannot send me a “real time ” picture…….but I am at home alone, that is except for the dog and the cat.  Amanda is back at Zumba with Molly, and Scott and Ben are out on a “Boy’s Night” on the town.  They are hitting Chick-fil-A, and then seeing “Alvin and the Chipmunks, ” which will most probably bore both of them to tears.

But it has been a productive day here.  I have been working on our website all day and have created a “Podbean” account for it, which will allow us to publish sermons and stuff onto Podbean (our link is, Itunes, and our website.  I even published yesterday’s sermon onto it.  We will see how it goes.

THAT HOWEVER, doesn’t float my boat as much as hearing about what the boys are doing.  Scott and Ben are hilarious together, and occasionally (about monthly) they go on these little trips.  The stories are always funny, and I cannot wait.

The big news for the day is really not that as a PREVIEW of Wednesday’s blog……the day my wife is going to FALL APART.  Yes, today we completed the registration process.  Ben is officially a member of the student body of St. Mary’s School…….and Wednesday will be his first day!  He is excited, and Amanda is TRYING to ACT like she is under control.  On Wednesday however, she will be a sniveling mess!

So here is a Chick-fil-A picture (that I had to call and request).  They are having a time, and I am glad.  After all, Wednesday begins all the schooling…..and he is in for a life-long sentence!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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