Bird brained……..

Well it seems that yet another day is past, and to be honest, I do not remember much of the details of it.  I do know that I was exceptionally busy, but the details of the day escape me.  And now at 10:35 pm I sit in my office trying to bring it back…..I am afraid it is lost.

These lapses used to bother me a great deal, and I used to struggle with them deeply, trying as hard as I could to remember.  What it led to more than anything was just more frustration rather than any success.  And thankfully I have learned.  I do not torture myself trying to get back things that will just not come.  I instead let them go.  And, if I am feeling dissatisfied, I just make stuff up…….

I have been living with the new me for just under four years, and in all honesty, it doesn’t matter if I like me or not (thank God I like me lots better now!) because it is what it is.  Brain trauma is a funny thing, and it is different for everyone.  Mine has made me much more laid back in addition to being a lot taller and more handsome…..and even younger.  And who wouldn’t be thankful for that?

And although I do write about it occasionally, I am really well adjusted to it.  I was going to say that it invades my life everyday, but that would be defining it as something that is bad.  It has just changed me, and really it is more than okay… is something for which I am quite thankful.

Maybe someday I can write a book about it, but I don’t know.  I mean I feel like it is a good idea right now……but in 20 more minutes I’ll probably forget!  Thank God!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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