Too much………

This picture could not be more appropriate.  I thought when I saw it how I would use it, but it has come to represent my day.  I have worked feverishly all day to get myself, not just caught up, but well ahead.  But as I sat down to type this blog entry I discovered that I still have 117 unread emails in my mailbox, which is not really true….I only have ONE.  It just SAYS 117.  And now you can see why this picture represents my day.

You see, I was born in 1961.  I was in graduate school before computers were in dorm rooms and I understand them no better now than I did then.

Sure, my dad has better stories, like how they all gathered around the radio and listened to games and such.  But he can complain all he wants to…….I was his antenna in the 60’s as all young kids were.  It was aluminum foil and touching the antenna with your arms extended that worked.  Cable is a big luxury for sure.  It is all so easy now.

That is except for my email.  I may be a techno-moron, but I can still count.  117 is nowhere near accurate.  And it is all frustrating enough for me to call it a day.

Tomorrow will be another.  And if I have 117 or more in the morning, screaming will be the least of my problems!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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