Batman bunkhouse……

This may surprise the regular readers of this blog, but tonight’s picture is of my 4 year old son Ben IN MY BED.  (Okay, it is not a surprise to anyone)  He is currently in his Batman pajamas, which he incidentally wore to school today as it was “pajama day,” and now he has taken up residence in my bed waiting for his mom.

Oh she is a ZUMBA, which also is no surprise.  It is Mardi Gras night at Zumba tonight, and as she has been on death’s door and to the doctor this week (she is now on antibiotics and pain meds), she clearly had to make sure she went there and did too much…….and of course tomorrow morning she will again be up bright and early to head to Zumba again.

What makes this all even more insane is that she flies out for a week long business trip to Belgium tomorrow afternoon.  The whole rest and take care of yourself conversation is lost on her, but then again if she were a woman who made good decisions I would be single.

But that is why I am in bed typing with two of Batman’s feet jamming into my side.  His mommy is going away for a week, so that is license (apparently on both their parts) to have this sleep over.  He does sleep in his own bed a lot, and honestly having him in here all night is often far better than the door wildly slamming open and then closed abruptly between 3 and 4.  Regardless of how you prepare yourself for that possibility, it always rattles your nerves.

So Batman is hanging here tonight.  Oddly enough he wanted to stay up till she got home.  He did, but instead of waiting for her to finish with her shower, he is sawing logs next to me already.  The adventure never ends…….there’s never a boring day.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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