Shrove Tuesday Pancakes…..

Tonight I joined about 80 other people for the annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper at St. Anne’s.  We had an additional one in Nashville, but without a car, it was just too far for me to walk as it is 100 miles from my house.

But tonight was fun.  Everyone had a good time and it raised some money for a good cause.  Father PT is quite the pancake chef, and everyone seemed pleased to help out.  There were a lot of kids and plenty of fun.  AND, it was really the perfect way to end the season of Epiphany.   Lent arrives tomorrow!

As for me, I intend for tonight to be a transition.  I am tired of living withe body I have.  And no, I am not in the picture since I took it.  But the man behind the camera, God willing, will be a different man at the end of the next 40 days.

Please pray for me as I will for you.  I really do want to see things change!

Goodnight and God Bless!


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