LONE Shark……..

Yep, I am at home for the weekend again ALONE, or as much as you can be when your wife and youngest son are away visiting your daughter at college.  Of course Scotty stayed home because he has to work, but “home” for an 18 year old who is also a drummer in a band is a relative thing.  I have not seen him all day and don’t imagine I will for much of the weekend.  The picture is one of Ben’s first Halloweens…..he obviously was a sparrow.

But in all honesty, I kind of like the solitude.  I get a lot done without being given chores or talking to Batman every 10 seconds.  In addition to this, I think they all like it too.  Amanda shared about the game today, dinner, and now how they are at the hotel.  Steph and Ben are watching Spy Kids and having a great time.  And did I mention I am not getting any chores?  Very cool if you ask me.

On a different note, I spoke with Father Dan Conley this morning who in our conversation really was doubtful that it was a wold we hit, but rather a large coyote.  I said it was much much larger that a coyote, bigger in fact than any dog I had seen.  But Danny is a retired State Trooper (capitalized to avoid tickets in the future) and he said something that put a chill in both PT and I……he said, “you guys were lucky that the air bags didn’t deploy.”   And he was right, we were truly blessed.  That would have been a disaster.

But it does not change my mind about what we hit…..it was a big wolf, perhaps even the size of a woolly mammoth.  He was just too big and had too boxy of a head to be a coyote.  Regardless…….we are blessed it was not worse.  And it allowed me to be able to get home and be home……all alone.

No worries though…….it is pretty relaxing.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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