The answer is blowing in the wind…….

Pretty cool picture, huh?  Yes, I know it is not the best, but it was 45 tonight and that made Viper’s hanging out the window enjoying himself quite enjoyable for even me.  He will stick his head out the window in the middle of winter, which we do when we are alone.  We always wait till we have Ben dropped off first, as Ben is not fond of temperatures under 20.

But seeing him out the window tonight really warmed my heart.  But it was really different than normal.  Normally he just sticks his head out the window, but I was laughing as I noticed he got himself up onto the armrest and was really out there heading into the wind.  I blindly snapped a few shots for the blog when I noticed it…….there was just ONE paw on the armrest……the other was missing.

Sure enough my moron dog was hanging half his body over the door while the other half was disguised as “just pushing the limits.”  He’s a pretty smart dog, but tonight not smart enough as I slowed down and hauled him in.  Ben and Amanda are on their way home from Missouri visiting Steph, and the last thing I need to confess when they ask “Where’s Viper,” is that I allowed him to fall out of the car somewhere between here and Wal-Mart.

So the adventure is over.  Viper and I are home and Amanda and Ben are not far off.  Good thing too.  All this behaving is exhausting.  I will just be thankful to have them home and go to bed!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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