The eyes have it…..

Tomorrow is a big day for me.  I am heading to an eye doctor who specializes in the eye lids and duct systems of the eye.  He is a plastic surgeon of the eye, and my hope and prayer is that he can fix that which ails me.

For over a year I have had a lot of pain in my right eye.  In addition to that, my eye always looks like it is a mess.  I know people look at it and think I must have pink eye, or that I am on something, but in truth, it is something that hopefully this doctor tomorrow can fix.  In all honesty, I am tired of the constant pain and the watering.  Lots of people cannot cry, I have an eye that is like a fire hose.  And as a person up in front of people all the time, it is killing me.

Please keep me in your prayers.  My appointment is at 11 am and if he wants to take my eye out and throw it away, I am at the point I would let him.  Let’s just hope he is the answer to my prayer and not yet another desperate jump toward relief.

I will report tomorrow…….with the hope of complete relief and cure!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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