Spring “Put on the Brakes”………

Yes, I know I am a priest.  And yes, I know that Easter is less than two weeks away (meaning also that Holy Week is coming as well….it is not my first rodeo).  BUT……..Ben is on break next week, Stephanie is as well and is home, and the weather is beautiful!  I know I am busy, but I intend to enjoy it, at least for a short while, while I can!

I even got my wife out into the yard for a time today and shared with her all of my “cool” ideas for the yard……none of which we it appears will be doing.  But the great part is that we will all be together for a week and can at least get SOME stuff done.   I am not under any delusions that times like these with all of us here will be few and far between in the future.  After I left for school, I cannot remember that many times when my whole family was together in one place for more than an hour or two.  Now of course many of them are working out of “the home office” as we say in the priest-business, so to get what I will get with them like I will have this week with all my kids, is going to require my departure for heaven at some point….with the Las Vegas odds boards still betting against me!

But at this point I am just thankful for the week ahead.  I didn’t even know that Steph was coming home till a few days ago.  Yeah, they act like I should have known.  And they play on me thinking that they told me but because of the stroke I forgot.  But in all honesty they just didn’t tell me.

Yep, I am the dad…..the last to know.  But who cares?  My week is going to be wonderful, and I can hardly wait!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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