I’ll keep an eye out for ya……

Well it is just a little before 10 and I am DONE.  Nothing to eat or drink until after surgery tomorrow.  I am not quite sure what time my surgery is scheduled, but I am sure that by this time tomorrow night I will be on the road to recovery!  I have requested already that my family get me an eye patch.  1) I am not supposed to read or strain my eyes for a few days, so since that is almost impossible, I might as well strain the good one…..and 2) I have been practicing talking like a pirate for the last few days (okay, years, but who is counting?)

So the gist is that my eye tears, but no longer drains.  You have passages in and passages out.  My eye no longer drains and is a mess.  The doc believes that my ducts out closed up due to an infection I had a few years ago, and tomorrow he will attempt to open it up.  If he cannot, he will “re-plumb” it which is a bit more involved.   I had wondered why you have to be put out for all of this, but I guess it is so you will not be worried when they bring out the big drill.  I am a veteran of many orthopedic surgeries though, so the tools only encourage me.  We will see, but I am hoping they can reopen and use the old ducts.

I  am unsure however of tomorrow’s post.  My intention at this point is to do it.  I just ask for your prayers and will post if I can.  If I cannot, my apologies in advance.  It will not be for lack of desire…..just lack of ability, which I find at this point, doubtful.

So here’s to tomorrow!  Let’s pray for a good day!  I know I am, and I hope to give you and update in about 24 hours!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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