Let’s have another cold one………

Sure enough, I was in a meeting tonight when I saw the call coming in.  I did not even need to check the voicemail.  Despite it only being a little below zero tomorrow morning, and relatively little snow, Ben’s school is on yet another 2-hour delay.

Now Ben is 10, and he is my son, and I DO love him and am concerned about his well-being and his safety…..especially when I am watching him.  But I grew up in the NORTH…..Mishawaka, Indiana to be exact, and other than the blizzard that dumped about 16 feet of snow in the late 1970’s, for which they gave us a 2-hour delay, I am not remembering any “snow days.”

But this is, I confess, thinking back with my 25-year-old mind, which I calculate by factoring in my chronological age minus my mind’s preservation through many years of prolific drinking.  I do however recall multiple conversations with friends after digging out our cars and making the trek to school.  Visions of the Superintendent looking out his front door, barricaded by 80 inches of snow, and making the call……”it’s just a dusting, I know they can all make it.”  This is the same Superintendent we were certain was encamped on the top of Tower Hill at Warren Dunes State Park on Lake Michigan taking names whenever we were skipping class for the beach.  (Yes, Indiana has a National Shoreline!  Motto: Indiana, all the fun, but without the sharks).  Of course for those reading this from home you will say, but Warren Dunes is in Michigan.  What do you remember that far back?  After all, I am still 25.

But the last laugh of course is with my son Ben.  He has the 2-hour delay tomorrow, and he will not even have to dig his car out before heading to school.  (This is not an age thing, being 10 would never have prevented any of us from driving in the 1970’s).  But he will indeed get a little extra sleep before heading to the rigorous life of Lapel Elementary School.  The poor guy!

As for me, I get to keep to schedule.  I was informed I am not the driver for school in the morning, which means I will probably be scraping the ice off my car right after doing Amanda’s.  After all, it is another cold one.  These southerners know nothing about hardship.  If only the Mishawaka Superintendent would intervene.

Blessings!  It will be 20 here tomorrow.  Call me if you wanna lay out.


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