Reflections upon Sweet Lou…….

No, Sweet Lou is not my dog,  He is my wife’s dog,  In fact his name is not as she is now a two-year old German

Shepherd named Abigail, or Abbey for  short.  But as Ben is sure to point out,Abbey acts more like a family dog, particularly Stephanie’s dog, and she doesn’t even live here.  She is supposed to be a working support dog for me, and she is a total sell out for the attention.  She protects every kid on our street, and I cannot fault her for that.  I was far more worried about the kids until she came along.



But that brings me back to Sweet Lou.  He never leaves me  ever struggling or alone, in truth I am not.  He is almost on top of me. Sure my dog will make an appearance……more like a supervisor making sure I am okay, and then back to the kids she goes.  But not Lou.  Lou wants to be where I am at.  When Amanda comes to be, he sprawls across her and star

Sweet Lou, or Lou Bear, or Stalker Lou Bear, is always outside every door of any room I am in.  He has taken being a support dog to a whole new level, and if I am looney he is right with me and he stares


at me.  He sighs all night,  But sleeps he on top of Amanda.  He is loyal, and he helps.

He was to be Amanda’s dog from the start, and before he was born, she wanted the runt.  The runt, who turned out to be Lou, was not good looking enough until about 6 weeks when she had to choose.  He was not only the best looking dog by then, but had melted her heart.

Yeah, he never needed to use his legs much after her bonded with her, and he still only has interest in her side of the bed.  It is an area I was prohibited from after having children, so Lou is happy there.

I love ya Lou. Let’s go to bed.  It is time for Amanda to try to breathe!!



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