This is Holy Week……

Although something serious generally happens during Holy Week, what I am seeing now is clearly unexpected.  In many years of ministry, I have had people die, funerals, family crisis, and a myriad of other things, so much so in fact that I have come to expect it.  But this week, despite leaving for Akron early in the morning for a Chrism Mass, thus far, things seem much less chaotic.

Oh sure, Amanda has a migraine and a trash can next to our bed.  She also has jury duty, but will not need to go in tomorrow according to the recorder on the court-line.  Scott is doing his very best to help out and is torturing himself by trying to get Ben to stay in his bed.  Scott has to work at five and is about dead to the world.  Ben is just waiting him out.  It will not be a surprise to see who will win.

As for me, I will be up at 4 to put my clothes in the dryer and then out of the house about 45 minutes later.    Oh sure, it all seems too staged at this point, and like always, I am anticipating a crisis.  Somehow, one always seems to come, but at least I am prepared for it.

Sadly, I have not ever had an uneventful Holy Week either.  I suppose I would not know what to do if I had one.  But in the big picture, I still have it pretty good.  Sure I will be driving 12 hours tomorrow for about 4 hours of meetings, but things could certainly be a lot worse.  I will count my blessings and continue to make my way through this week.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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