Happy Retirement……..

Well, today is a big day.  Today my mother-in-law is retiring from her job as a librarian at the Topeka Public Library.  It is a big thing and I dropped my wife off at the airport, very early, this morning so she could surprise her.  As it turned out, miscommunication with Amanda and her sister Rhonda made this less of a surprise than it was intended to be, and that surprises me, as I have never ever heard of siblings not communicating clearly with each other!  The good part is that Amanda was there for the big day!

And retiring is a BIG THING, as it is something I think about close to every 15 minutes.  Okay, I will confess that this is just a fabrication in order to be funny…….I actually think about it every 10 minutes.  BUT, I was reading on the computer tonight that IF I retire at 62 my Social Security will be at 75% for life.  If I retire at 65 it will be at 100%.  BUT….if I retire at 70 it will be at 132%.  So my bet is to head for 70.  Ben will be about 10 then and Amanda close to 30.  And getting close to $100 a month for the six or seven months I may live seems well worth it.

Of course retirement is probably not in my future.  I can at some point give up being paid, but I cannot imagine not functioning as a priest, albeit a very old one.  But those old ones are always the coolest.  They tell all the stories over and over again, and complain about how today is nothing like the “good ole days.” And I agree!  I hope to be one of them forever and live to be a long time burden to my family.

As for my mother-in-law, I really hope she retires here.  She would be fun to have around, and there is no better work than to hang with grand kids in those retirement years.

But what do I know?  I will work forever!  Or at least that’s the plan until some grand kids come my way!!

Scotty is out doing something, Steph won her game which I listened to the broadcast of, and Amanda will be home tomorrow.  As for Ben, he is here, and yes, he is still just Ben.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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