
I have been in Akron, Ohio all day for the Synod of the Anglican Diocese of the Great Lakes.  It has been a fruitful time and a blessing to those of us attending……and that is a big confession coming from a guy who generally dislikes these kind of gatherings.  This however, has been done well, and we will go from not until tomorrow at 4pm, after which Father PT and I will head home.  Father Robert and his family will stay one additional day and enjoy some well-deserved rest and relaxation.

It is a great group of people too, some of whom I have been working with or among for 20 years.  It amazes me how things have changed.  I am taken back by my memories to gatherings where we spoke of our concerns for the Church and its direction and prayed diligently to God for HIS DIRECTION and help in correcting it.  Most of us were expecting reform, but what we got was an Exodus.  And the result is far more than we could have ever asked for or imagined.  It is pretty cool.

But to be honest, I am tired.  I generally come to things that go all day the day before so I am well rested.  Sadly I didn’t do that.  Plus my back hurts from all the driving and sitting, and my knee is not too happy as well.

But at least I am!  I love what I do, and I love the people I do it with.  And today I was able to spend the entire day among them!  What a wonderful blessing!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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