The Big News…….

Okay, here is the big news I have been waiting to share, but I was waiting until Scotty was able to notify a few people so that they would hear it from him directly, and not get it here from my blog.  But I am proud to share that my son, Scott Thomas Tirman has now signed with the United States Marine Corps and will be leaving for boot camp on December 10th.

This announcement come after a LOT of hard work on Scotty’s part.  We had moved during his senior year in high school and he had attempted to enter through the recruiter here.  There were not a lot of spots for entry here and a lot more guys than spots.  In addition to that, changes in the military recently made it seem like his dream of entering the USMC would be dashed.  He had already given up heading to St. Louis this past year to study Music Education so that he could enter.  He enrolled in college here full-time and is working full-time here as well.  It was just not what he had planned.

But it was at his work that he ran into the USMC recruiter from Noblesville where we used to live.  And in that conversation a month or so ago the recruiter said, “It’s too bad that you didn’t graduate from Noblesville High School,” because he had a few spots available.  And of course Scotty just smiled and said, “I graduated from Noblesville last year.”

This past month (a little less that that) has been a whirlwind.  Scott had set his dream aside a few months back and now had to pass a pretty stringent physical test that he was at one time pretty prepared for.  SO he worked like mad and dropped close to 25 pounds in less than three weeks and passed the test with flying colors, signing on last Wednesday.  He will enter to train to be a communications engineer, and will serve in the Reserves for the next two years while finishing up college.  He will now pursue an aviation degree as he wants to fly after college, and yes, in in Corps.

I suppose you might ask, “why the Reserves?”  The answer is really quite simple.  He is dedicated to his little brother and wants to spend the next few years with him.  Scotty figures Ben will do better with him leaving when he is 6 or 7, than now at 4.  And he is right.  Scott is a big part of Ben’s world and they are as close as two brothers can be.   And I respect Scott not just for his commitment to our country, but to his family as well.

He is a fine young man, and I am proud of him.  Yep, my son will be a Marine!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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