Of doggy drenching wetness…..

Had I not given the report yesterday on my knee, this would have been what I would have written about……our goofball of a dog.  Yesterday it rained like crazy, yet he spent a lot of the day just either sleeping or standing in the rain.  I suppose it doesn’t really matter if that’s what he feels like doing, but it really did seem a bit odd….even for him.

So in the midst of all we were doing, Scotty and I just kept track of him standing there.  I have included a 45 second or so video to show how very motivated he was to move.  But when he can, he hangs out by the cars, after all, if someone is going to go for a ride they will head that way.  And who wouldn’t want to take a wet dog for a ride?

Of course, it was me just a short time later as Viper and I went to pick up Ben.  The windows were open and he (Viper) was hanging out the window as usual.  I guess just having it fall on your isn’t sufficient.  Being pelted going 50 by it seems much more effective…..at least in the dog world.

But in all honesty, he cracks me up.  Life can be stressful, and even hard.  But Viper knows how to live it….on his own terms.  I couldn’t agree more.  He’s a heck of a dog.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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