The shocking and sad news is revealed…..

I have very tragic news to report tonight.  Ben informed me this morning that he no longer wants to go to school.  He apparently will now not be heading to Kindergarten.  And when I asked why he told me that he was just tired of spelling and homework.  And as you can imagine, I am worried that this will make it a lot harder for him to enter med school.

But since I am hard of hearing, I dropped him off at school anyway….something that he appeared to forget when he came home.  He then spent his time playing in between multiple”time-outs” for not listening.  I did try and get him to spell a few things on a trip this evening to Menards, but he would have none of it.  He appears to have the attitude of a dropout before he has actually done it.

Tomorrow however will be another day.  I did check his room tonight for a leather jacket and some cigarettes…….I am glad to report that I think he is okay.  In truth, I think it all may have just been a bad Pop Tart or something.  I really think he likes school.

Only 13 more years to go before graduation!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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