Breaking the rules with politeness…….

In my blog for Shrove Tuesday, I failed to exhibit the sign that Ben went upstairs and made for the dog as it was a chocolate cake.  Viper had been known to eat a chocolate chip cooke every now and again, but even though chocolate is toxic to canines, it takes far more of it to poison a full grown male Golden Retriever than it does, lets say a Pomeranian.  So this is to say, Ben made a sign that was prominently displayed on the side of the island upon which the cake was set.

Tonight’s picture is from this morning, and Ben was fascinated to find it.  It seemed intriguing to me that he was less concerned that Viper ate chocolate or w
orse yet broke his Ash Wednesday fast, as he was that he altered his sign by crossing out the word “not.”  I personally was amused that he swelled allowed “alloud,” as he is the family genius on spelling.  But in time he seemed to take it all in stride. His cake was actually safe and had been moved to “a non-disclosed location.”

So that is really it for this evening, and I won’t write any more.  It is not that I am not alloud, but it has more to do with my need for sleep.  Today has been a long and busy day, and my bed just seems to be calling my name!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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