
Okay, I am back, although it will probably be with a vengeance……as I was struggling all day with personal issues when I read a story about a church softball league in Missouri where teams pulled out because one of the pastors was bisexual.  I immediately decided to get myself together.

No, I have NO objection to the stance made by the other teams, but I am wondering why in the name of God that any one’s sexuality needs to be shared from the pulpit.  If the truth be known, I am a CONSERVATIVE, and by that I mean even right of Republican, but I cannot share that from the pulpit…..because if I do my church will risk losing its tax-exempt status.  Apparently however I can share all I want about my sexuality, as if it is more important that faith in Christ.

No offense intended, but all this has made me more than sick.  I retired from my ministry in the Episcopal Church in 2006 rather than going to battle with them, and transferred into another Anglican jurisdiction.  Ironically, they filed charges against me and tried me (although they had no right nor authority) finding me guilty of abandonment of communion.  They send me stuff addressed to “Mr.” now.  Oddly enough, to them it is about sexuality.

Here’s a bit of truth for them and this moron of a pastor in Missouri.  God cares what you do in private, but keep it in private.  That is between you and Him, and all I can do is give you my opinion.  But if you bring your sexuality into a church softball league you probably have more insecurities than you should to be a pastor.  Get out and get some help.

In all honesty, church is about faith in Christ, not about working out your problems.  I want to see people led to Him, not sent off on a personal tangent all because you have not got your ducks in order before entering the ministry.

This world is a mess…..let’s all pray for some sanity and for moving it in the right direction.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


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