A big (and good) day….

I had a doctor’s appointment today with my primary doctor and although it was somewhat frustrating for the both of us, it did bring to closure a big issue that I have been struggling with for me.

You see, when I had my stroke in 2008 I was over 60 pounds lighter.  Sure, my medicines cause weight gain, and sure I cannot go off them, but even with that it seems I struggle to get things off much more than I should.  My meds change my metabolism, but it just should not be that had.

And we have tested a lot….thyroid, blood pressure, cholesterol…everything in fact is great.  I am very active too… it has puzzled us both.

But in our conversation he laid it out.  Even my vision changed and my face started changing to where my eye lid has a blond mark and about a third of my face went to almost “clear” hair shortly after the stroke.  My neurologists said it was unrelated.  My doctor today said, oh yes it was…..after all, how could it not be?

He also said that he has seen it only a couple of times, but he is convinced that I am one of them, but there are stroke patients whose area of the brain that deals with metabolism gets damaged and this happens…or for a better description doesn’t.

So why is this a good day?  Well because it puts it to rest.  I knew things were just not right, but I still believe this is doable.  So I have a damaged brain, so what?  I also have a great heart, good levels, great blood pressure and a lot of strength and determination.

Today’s picture is pre-stroke……I will get back there I swear…..all but the moustache, as you would not see at least half of it now…..I have a lot of ability….just not the ability to do that!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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