On being passive agressive…….

He is not kidding anyone, particularly me.  Scotty and his girlfriend Molly went to Brown County this afternoon to celebrate his 19th birthday, which will take place on Saturday.  But he sent this picture to Amanda to share with me, as my phone will not receive texted pictures, and it was a clear salvo fired across my bow.  The picture is of the breaded tenderloin at the “Holy Cow” in Brown County and is one of my favorites.  And the picture was meant to make me jealous, not to share the joy!

Deep down I am happy for him……and for Molly.  This dish is FANTASTIC and I know they were enjoying it.  We often hold our clergy meetings down there as we have a church just about a mile from there, and I have only ONCE had anything else there.  
But you would think that a young man with a birthday coming up in just 3 days would not take such a passive aggressive shot.  I suppose he feels secure in the fact that Amanda has never been to the Holy Cow and as always is in charge of the “gift-buying.”  Yes, he was smart there.  But he is walking the line for sure.
Ultimately however, I am glad that he loves it there just like I do.  He and Molly have now made it theirs, and I am blessed by that.  But soon he will be at boot camp.  And as soon as he can receive mail he will be receiving this picture daily!  I am certain it will be a better desire than a MRE.  And he can just wait with baited breath until he comes home.  That tenderloin THEN can be his!

Payback is often awesome!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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