Prayer request and the Circus-de-Olay……

Yeah, I don’t get it either.  Why a traveling circus would be sponsored by a hand cream I do not know. I was just blessed by the fact that my wife and mother-in-law went to the circus (escaping our own personal circus here) and they had a great time.  But if I want to see men in tights, I will watch Robin Hood.  It’s really not my thing, plus I am brand-loyal to the hand cream I buy at the Tractor Supply.

But my main request is not for this, but for my daughter Stephanie who will be in the hospital tomorrow for hopefully a successful procedure.  Steph’s heart goes into wildly fast rhythms off and on, and although she has worn a monitor for quite some time, they have yet to catch what they need to see for recording.  Tomorrow the doctors will attempt to make her heart go into those wild rhythms and then find the circuits causing them and permanently sever them if they can.  As regular readers will know, Steph is a pretty high level college lacrosse player, and she needs this to be resolved in order to keep playing.  (She is also a biochemistry major who would continue with that even if she is not allowed to play.) But to Steph, her passion is on the line and I can understand the anxiety.

She is a great kid and a wonderful daughter.  Hopefully tomorrow night’s post will have a very positive resolution.  Please just keep her in your prayers.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


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