Choosing the good portions in life……..

Today has been an exceptional day, and one I will not soon forget.  It was not only unbelievably hot for the millionth day in a row, but I ended by doing a funeral this evening for a remarkable woman and friend whom I wish I had spent more time with……Lynn Udrasols.

The funeral however, if you can believe it, was the highlight of my day.  Three of her grandkids spoke, as well as other family, and it was filled with joy and laughter and wonder.  I last saw Lynn a few days ago when I gave her Last Rites.  Her body was broken, she could not speak, but thank God right now she is free!

The grandkids did such a great job that if I had the money (if I had any money) I would gladly have hired them all right away!  They were a gifted bunch…..something of course I would attribute to Lynn being so close to them in her life.  It was really very cool!

But now I am home.  It is still way too hot, but I so very thankful I went out in it.

I could just focus on the heat, but I won’t!  God’s blessings are all around us, and sometimes to see them we have to look at other things!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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