Spiderman 6000……..

The first picture is how I started my day, with waking up to find my 5 year old son who SWORE he would never sneak into our bed again after he turned 5, asleep right next to me.  The second picture is how we ended our day, at the movies to see the new Spiderman movie.

Of course I had to be forced to go, because at around 6pm I was feeling like his first picture.  But my wife said “we can go if your dad will go,” which immediately sent him on the task of constant pestering  until his goal was achieved.  It didn’t take long either.  I pick and choose my battles and this was one I knew I would not win (as it was so early).  So I got into the car and off we went.

Of course I am 51 years old.  This movie I already knew was a remake of Spiderman.  I had seen other movies and read the comic as a kid.  Even if I fell asleep I knew that I would be okay.  Same hero, same story, different take……..it was still pretty good.

But now I am home and ready FINALLY for that sleep.  I am confident I will make it there too.

After all, the theatre is now closed…….

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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