Choosing a good break……

I was able to spend some time with my dad today as I was in Indianapolis for a hospital call.  He lives not too far from there and I needed to return something of his, so I gave him a call.  He was home and we had a nice visit.

It is quite a contrast to priors years, not in the sense of it being a nice visit because they ALWAYS are, but in the fact that I can almost always find him available now.  Just a year or two ago he was constantly busy with something and those things often revolved around my brother and sister and their school stuff.  But with Mike going to law school in a month and Anna heading into her junior year at Butler he is often much more available.

And I am probably good for him too.  I am pretty much maintenance free and just like to shoot the breeze with him and he with me.  I am his oldest and I get good advice because my retirement is in sight, and he is already there.  It is always a good time.

This life is stressful enough and quite often a mess.  But I have a lot to be thankful for.  This picture of my dad is probably from 2004 or so (maybe even earlier) when we were all at the 500 Festival Parade.  It is a great picture of my dad and of Steph.  BUT I cut Scott out of it as the small piece of AFRO that you see next to Steph’s head leads to a hideous picture of Scott and BAD HAIR.  And considering he soon will be a US Marine, I thought I would not take my chances.  But my point is connecting with my family keeps me sane….even if it is my dad!!

So I will chalk this up to a good day.  I am at home, tired, and ready for bed.  Tomorrow the rat race continues…….but at least today I got a few glimpses of sanity!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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