Oh no…….

I DO NOT miss Sundays, but today I did.  And I missed it, not for me, but for others.

Over the weekend I was not feeling well.  I had a temperature, and last night, even after Motrin, I was at 102 degrees.  My stubbornness said go, but my head won over.  There were THREE of us scheduled at St. Patrick’s and they assured me they would be fine.

And they were.  And as hard as it as for me to stay home, the lesson was a good one.  The Lord has raised up some spectacular people in our ministry, and in truth, they can actually cover, if not exceed, for me!  AND THEY DID………

Yes, my post is short tonight because I am STILL under the weather, but my gratefulness is never ending….

The Lord is doing marvelous things!!!  Can you see it??  I can!!!  And I am excited about being a part of what He is doing in our part of the world!!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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