
Well Ben is now officially registered for kindergarten at Lapel Elementary School, something I am SURE you can see in the quality picture I have posted tonight.  Steph, Amanda, and Ben are in the picture, and Ben is wearing his first “Lapel Bulldog” shirt.  And unlike where I grew up where the mascot changed at each school, in Lapel he will be a bulldog all the way through graduation.

We had hoped to be able to see his classroom and meet his teacher today, but that has yet to be assigned.  We still took the opportunity however to celebrate.  It is a big thing for him and us.  I am just happy that both Steph and Scott will be home to be able to see him on that first official day.

But that’s really all the news I have tonight.  Amanda, Steph, and Ben (along with Celeste!!) are leaving for Kansas at 5am…..and driving.  So the clock is set, and I am out of energy!  I did however want to share the big news!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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