Mr. Mike goes to Minnesota (for law school)…….

Tonight I was hoping to get over to my dad’s to a celebration for my brother Mike, who leaves for law school in just a few days in Minnesota.  That’s right, he too will enter into a profession like mine that was once considered noble before all the dirt balls ruined it for all of us.  Unlike me, however, Mike will probably improve the reputation of lawyers!! (As some of my cousins have over the years as well.)

He follows our grandfather, my dad’s dad, who died before Mike was born, but who was an attorney.  I have no memory of him, but I do have a picture of me sitting on his lap as a baby.  Rumor has it that I peed in my diaper and he threatened to take me to court.  Yes, I just made that up, but I do understand that much of the twisted Tirman sense of humor you see in my blog, and in my children, and in most of those who bear his DNA can really be traced to him.  It was a shame he died so young.  I imagine I would be much further along had I grown up with him.

But regardless of all the warning signs, Mike will become an attorney, and I am certain a good one too. I will catch him before he goes and my family will too.  Time are a-changing as they say.  I am just glad that I am keeping up.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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