Spidy hits the Fair…….

Well, I THOUGHT I might have some pictures to post today of Stephanie and Ben’s excursion to the State Fair (ALWAYS capitalized in Indiana!!) but apparently I was not send a one.  So tonight’s picture is of Ben and Steph on vacation eating a smore together at a campfire.  (yes, she is wearing Ben’s Spiderman hat)  It is now also Steph’s profile picture on Facebook.

Steph has just about a week and a half here before she heads back to school.  But over the this break, she has been not just Ben’s big sister, but also “her brother’s keeper.”  Yep, it has been her summer job to take care of Ben.

And, it has been something they have both truly enjoyed.  All the kids are pretty tight, but each has a special relationship with the other.  Ben was devastated when Steph left for school last year, and this year we anticipate it being worse.  (And Steph gets pretty broken up about her littlest brother as well).

So today Ben and Steph (and Kara and Molly) took on the State Fair (it will even be capitalized when it is not going on…..this is Indiana!)  Ben said he saw a lot of animals and had a lot of fun.  But Steph’s junior year is looming as well as kindergarten for Ben.  Just a few more days left.

But in Indiana, there is no better way to enjoy them than hanging out at the State Fair…….

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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