My last Friday……hitting the bullseye…..

One of the coolest parts about tonight’s blog is that the picture is a graphic for a beverage company!  I love it, and just possibly will visit!!  Too cool for sure!!

BUT…….I do sincerely hope that my last Saturday with all my family here is better than my last Friday.  Scotty has been gone all day.  Amanda worked late.  And as I was mowing, Steph, Amanda and Ben (who had turned down a dinner invitation from me) all went to the Target (or Tar-gggjjay as my mom would say) without me.

Oh, not that I do not think that mowing is more fun with possibly the last few days I have EVERYBODY around and can do things.  Steph will head back to school, and then Scotty’s ship date is now November 5th.  Getting everybody together is going to be hard form now on and dang it, I WAS HUNGRY TOO!  I re-heated some soup I had made on Monday, and it was good, but I really am a bit focused upon my family suddenly scattering.

Sure, my lawn looks good, and I look good (mostly in my diluted mind) but this next week to me does not look good, because I always hate it!!!  I will say that I have been blessed this year to have Steph come home and everyone together, but she is a JUNIOR now and the clock is ticking.  I just need to focus upon enjoying this time that I supposedly DO HAVE IF IT WERE NOT FOR TARGET.

No, I am not bitter, really. My family just chose to shop there over dinner with me.  So tomorrow I will ask again……..but this time in a red polo and tan pants.  It just has to work!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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