Bishop-eeee things……..

Today has been a spectacular day!  I was able to attend the Consecration of a seminary friend, Steve Wood, who was consecrated the FIRST Bishop of the NEW Diocese of the Carolinas!  It was a wonderful service full of wonderful people and a real blessing to be able to be a part of.  I am so very thankful for the opportunity.

Steve was actually a year behind me in seminary.  He has had an impressive ministry over the years and is really, besides God Himself calling him, a great choice to be the Bishop.  Steve has a heart for his people, and I am very encouraged to see him raised up.

Of course he is the third friend of mine raised up to Bishop.  My current Bishop, Roger Ames (pictured above), and my former Bishop, Doc Loomis, are the other two.  It is very surreal.  Bishops were always someone else…..Steve mentioned it this morning in the service how odd it was to put on a purple shirt.  I am sure it is, as it is to see your friends in them……I am just glad it is not me!! It is a heavy weight and an important calling.  I am encouraged to see Steve raised up to this call.  He has a lot to speak into our ministry as a Bishop!  God Bless him!

But for now I am in my bed and thinking about the long drive tomorrow.  It has been worth the trip!  Thank God that He raises up good souls to do His Work!  Blessings to you Bishop Steve, my brother!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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