Fighting the Good Fight…….

I know…..I disappear just before I posted my 1500th post.  And yes I know it has caused concern,
and I know it generated a lot of attention towards me, as people do care, but
in the end it was clearly the right thing to do.
I will not go into the details about my reasons for this short hiatus.  I will however confess that it was both
personal and vital for me to take it. 
I may be a priest, but being one does not give you immunity from
life.  And my life had generated
some turmoil that I needed to address.   And, I believe in my heart that addressing it was one
of the most important decisions of my life.
know a little over 4 years ago, I took this blog, which was originally intended
to be a serious commentary on Faith, the Church, and the world, and I made it,
by necessity, into a daily discipline for ongoing recovery from a stroke.  And I have consistently kept up with the
daily posting too, although I am pretty sure that now if I missed a post or two
(though I do not intend to) I would not relapse. 
truth, my stroke is behind me and my life is ahead of me…….as a matter of fact
my life is happening right now. 
Amanda and I have a wonderful family and we are deeply committed to it,
to the life we are living, and to the life we want to live.   I am grateful for her for who she
has been to me, and to who she continues to be into the future.  Marrying her, for me at least, was one
of the best decisions I have ever made. 
I am thankful that she said yes.
thanks to you my regular readers for both you patience and prayers.  Keep up the prayers too…….they
work.  And I am a firm believer in
my friends and God Bless.

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