Bootcamp report!!!

Yes, this picture has nothing at all to do with my post, but is instead a gratuitous offering to my Uncle Phil who may truly believe that Scotty and I might let Ben be a Colts’s fan!  No way!!  Go Bears!  But I digress……

I had my next to last session of bootcamp today, and I overheard someone ask our instructor why things seemed to be getting harder for her, and he just smiled as he confessed that he “kicks things up” as we go along.  I guess I should have known better, because I too indeed thought that things were getting harder.  My body is totally killing me.

On the “upside,” if there is one in times of this much physical pain, I have list just shy of 30 pounds in less than 30 days.  I will keep it up too, although I need to skip this next set of 30 day classes……..after all, work is important too.

I have one more session to attend on Monday.  It is a make-up for a session I missed.  But since it is technically a first session for a “new” class, I am actually looking forward to it!  My belief is that it may be a tad bit easier.  Or at least I can pray for that!

The coolest part however is that I will definitely be under 30 pounds by Monday, and that will be a great way for me to finish up the session!

Keep praying…….I need to be thin again!!

Goodnight and God Bless!


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