
I am home, and I am in bed.  Tired is not an accurate word for how I feel as tired would imply a lot more energy than I have now.  I have gone from early to late without a break, and to be honest, when I do this, I just do not have a lot to give at this point in the day…..but let me try.

This picture of Ben is from a few days ago.  We were in a store and I saw this hat and had him try it on so I could take his picture.  This may be a surprise to you, but not to us, as we are always goofing off.  
But sadly, it was taken in happier times.  Ben actually got in trouble quite a few times this week in school.  You get TWO stickers for a day without jail time, I mean getting in trouble.  Ben got only one sticker yesterday, and NONE today.  We are anticipating federal prison next week.
How a little guy like this could get into trouble we do not know.  He really is a good kid, and my guess it was probably for talking or not paying attention.  AND, if so many people did not have tattoos these days, even normal people, I could make a really cool joke right now about him coming home with a tattoo.  But thanks America for ruining a great joke.  He will not be getting a tattoo nor joining a gang. He just needs to get things straight.
Oh yes, he gets that from Amanda, because I am a perfect ANGEL.  Okay, both parts of that may not be a true, but I really need not confess (do I?) my school career.  I mean even the President doesn’t, so why should I?  But let’s just say the 1st time I was in trouble was……KINDERGARTEN and I remained “familiar” with those in the office for just about 13 years.  And although his issues are NOT OKAY, he does indeed come by them naturally.  
But for now I am off to bed.  It is just after 10 and as a “reformed” troublemaker it is way past my time.  
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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