Living into the dream……

Well I would post the picture of Amanda I just took at our hotel room if I didn’t think she would have an objection to it.  We have our computers back to back like a game of Battleship, and I took a picture of her working.  It was just too intense, so I have decided to post this one of her at dinner with me instead.  It was a great meal and we had a great time.

Oddly enough, we have come to realize that in all the madness of raising children and being two VERY busy people with out careers, that we have neglected being able to spend time with each other.  I even confessed to her tonight how sorry I was that I have not “dated her” more over the course of our marriage.  We actually have always had a great one on one relationship.  It has always been invaded by life though.  It was great to just have her to myself tonight.  We shared a great dinner (and yes we do share what we order as we are able to try TWO things) and we just laughed and talked.

In all honesty, I would not be who I am today if it were not for her, and I would hope she would feel the same.  Sometimes however, life (the good parts and the bad) gets in the way, and relationships get placed in places they do not belong.  That kind of neglect lead to nowhere good, and I am blessed that we have identified that and are committed to moving in the right direction.  I can be successful in a lot of things in my life, but ultimately I want to be successful here.  Before God Himself we vowed ourselves to each other and we honor that, but we know we are called to do better.

And the truth is that we are…..and it is renewing us as we go along, which is an unexpected blessing.  I however will take it.  Amanda is my wife and I love her.  I am just so very happy we are having this unexpected renewal of our commitment.  It is a blessing to me…..and so is she.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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