The Lead Team……

In preparation for tomorrow’s Open House for Scotty (Saturday, 5-9pm at our house) we hired some security to sweep the premises.  Sure, we will have quite a few Marines here (as they tell me ONE Marine is enough) but you should always be more prepared.

Yes, this is Viper, Scotty’s dog who had to get an emergency bath and haircut at the Petsmart today as someone (me) forgot to get him into his regular groomer!! But he was kind of “stinky” and we really felt that it would not be all that nice to have him at the Open House in that condition while people were eating.  So he got all shined up for the big day.

By his attire, you probably are able to tell just who it was who picked him up…..Scotty and Ben.  And when they came in the door, he was already dressed and will remain that way through the party.  I am certain that those who see him guarding us will think “what an incredible ploy it is to look like he is sleeping all the time, he is probably a brilliant killer.”  And perhaps that is just what we ought to let people believe.  He will be 9 in January, and we really do appreciate this important work he does.  He works for cookies you know.

So preparations continue for the big day!  Marines, guard dogs, and good food.  Who could ask for more?

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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