Scotty’s Ship Day……..

It has been the best, yet one of the hardest days of our lives.  The picture was taken just a couple of minutes before Scotty boarded the bus to take him to the airport for his flight to boot camp.  It was his last time with his brother till Christmas, and it all really was hard enough before they said good bye.  We were all proud, but also torn up inside.  He is our son, and we will not see him or talk to him until Christmas.  He leaves as a young man, and he will return to us, for a short while at least, as a United States Marine.

Amanda has been a mess for over a week, and is a lot worse today.  I am running through the gamut of emotions as well.  If it were not for Amanda however, I would not be doing so well.  Taking care of her seems to help distract me from what I feel.

Scotty is now on a plane somewhere over the US and will arrive in San Diego tonight sometime and make his way off the plane and onto the yellow footprints.  And Although he said he felt prepared, I am certain that this will all far exceed what he thinks will happen.  After all, this is not the SATs, it is the United States Marine Corps.  But I have confidence and faith that he will live up to and live into all that he needs to be.

So tonight it is now only 8pm and we are about to head off to bed.  I am not sure if we will sleep, but it sure would be nice.  For the next 13 weeks I am sure that the sleep will be a bit harder.  But in the end, we are thankful for such a fine son and we know deep down that he will do well.  Today has however been a big day for us all, although much more for Scott and his day is nowhere near over either.  Say a prayer for him, and for all those with him.

Semper Fi Scotty.  We love you!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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