Wow, I am getting this messed up………

At just 35 years old, I have learned a few valuable lessons: 1) I really do not believe I am 52; 2) My wife really doesn’t like that couples “Snuggie” (as seen on TV) even if it is camouflage; and 3) If I think I have posted my blog, that doesn’t mean that I have.

Of course that is why tonight’s picture of our dog Viper is appropriate.  His eyes are glowing because it is somewhere between 5 and 6 in the morning, but just because there is a truck there doesn’t mean we are going for a ride.  In fact the leash (that he carries for me) indicates that we are taking our old arthritic bodies for a WALK…..which we did.  It however never seems to stop him from walking over to the truck, as our speed would certainly be a lot faster and our distance far more impressive.

But when there are not glaciers here in Edgewood, Indiana, that is what he and I do…..we walk.  And although it was early, we were both happy to be out there.  I will say he is struggling more.  His surgery in December and his weight gain since he was “put out to pasture” as a stud dog, has made life more of a challenge for him.  Plus, that walk was “pre-meds” for him, which means it is a bit of pain for him but he sure does walk a lot straighter.  I call Amanda his “dealer” as she doses him everyday for the very reasons that are implied above.

But the other thing that has thrown me was the “series” I was doing.  I still have not found the picture I wanted, but I have one more part of the series to go, so I will figure out a solution (as Ben says) sometime on Sunday.  Which is pretty savvy on my part, as most of his solutions involve me fixing something anyhow.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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