Saying goodbye to an old friend……

Yes, today we sold Scotty’s car (being very aptly shown in the picture for the ad by Scotty’s dog Viper).  It had been in our family from before he could drive, and it was the car that his sister FEARED we would give her, but he loved it.  He put a ton of miles on it and as it left it was adorned with his beloved USMC decals and such.  It was hard to see it go, because to us it really represented part of him……but it did go to a good home.

Of course we still have his dog, and we even still have his little brother.  His room now is completely changed, and by changed I mean CLEANED.  He did apologize in advance for all that we might find there, yet I will confess that there was nothing at all that would incriminate him in any way.  (Other than the fact that he is a bit, a very very very large bit, messy)

Ironically, even though we do not hear from him, I am certain his area of the barracks is spotless and always will be.  He will listen intently to that Drill Instructor, and my best guess is that when he comes home for leave in December he will listen to Amanda too, at least about his room.

I guess that is the blessing for me for the day.  For although a little piece of me died today seeing his car leave our driveway today, I know the real Scotty will be returning up that drive himself in December, and as a Marine.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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